I have to be honest. When I first heard of ShadyFace I was unsure of what to make of the concept. Not used to the experience of too much sun in the UK means that we are not always the best equipped to deal with it when it does show itself! Still, it didn’t take long for Patricia to bring me up to speed.

How did you first come up with idea for ShadyFace?

For many years I struggled with the sun while spending time outdoors with my technology.  I would hide uncomfortably under towels, shirts and magazines just to protect and shade myself while trying to read my phones or view my tablets in the sun.  One day while on vacation in Maui, I got that “Eureka!” moment. I was going to invent a sleek, aerodynamic, travel shade that would offer a adjustable canvas canopy to view all iPads & Tablet screens “Hands Free” under a canopy while keeping cool, shaded and protected from the sun’s rotation. Four years later, my idea became a reality…

Did you have any challenges launching the business?

My greatest challenge was creating a product that never existed before… Introducing ShadyFace Sunshades Productsto the world was no easy feat. Having an idea is one thing, but following through with a final product is another. Being a woman in the fields of design, engineering and manufacturing presents its own hurdles, especially since its foreign to many – someone actually said to me “Can a woman come up with an idea like ShadyFace“? Today my greatest satisfaction is seeing families enjoy my product.

Tell us a little about the product?

ShadyFace Sunshades & Bluetooth Speakers are terrific travel companions and can be used almost anywhere.ShadyFace is a portable travel shade created to protect the upper or full body while lying under a swivel canvas canopy, which can adjust around the sun’s rotation. All iPads & Tablets can be read “hands-free” under this canopy to view e-mails, stream movies or read books when placed on any lounge recliners or the ground.

Do you have plans to expand the range?

Yes. ShadyFace Sunshades now offers a wide range of ShadyFace products including the ShadyFace Travel Sunshades; SPF 50 Sunscreen Lotions; Wireless Bluetooth Speakers for surround sound music and we are now introducing power packs into the product line to supply power to your electronic media. As for the animal world, we offerShadyPaws.com so pets can stay clean & shaded for outdoor restaurants, beaches and parks.

When did it launch and what was the general reaction?

ShadyFace Sunshades was launched last July on Kickstarter.com… This was my springboard.  “Newport Beach Woman Entrepreneur Gets Funding” hit the Press. The money was sponsored from the supporters who saw the future for shading infant’s, children, teenagers and adults. We all need to protect ourselves from the sun’s harmful rays while entertaining ourselves at the same time. Since December of last year we were able to successfully launchShadyFace.com and have our product line in various retail stores. We are receiving enquiries from distributors in the United Kingdom, Europe, Dubai, Australia, and New Zealand, so we look forward to offering ShadyFace Products all over the world.

Were your family supportive?

My family did not know about my ShadyFace idea for the first three years. I wanted 100% certainty that my drafts, blueprints and patents were solidified. Today – my family members and supporters can’t live without their ShadyFace!

Did you start with your own investment or did you have additional assistance?

After drawing my ShadyFace Sunshade idea on a cocktail napkin in Hawaii, my husband saw my vision and agreed to support my idea for ShadyFace. He claims still to this day that “it was the most expensive Mai Tai he has ever had”. It takes a great deal of money to invent a product, but we used our own savings, along with my KickStarter supporters.

Have you always been involved in business?

Yes, I am an Entrepreneur and have been a professional public speaker for the last fifteen years for various industries and corporations.

What did you want to pursue as a child?

I wanted to work as a zookeeper. I’ve always respected the animal kingdom. Today, I do my part in life to rescue dogs and offer partial proceed of sales from ShadyPaws.com to animal rescue facilities.

Do you feel women still face more hurdles in the business world or is their greater parity now?

I feel woman offer a great deal to the work force along with juggling motherhood, families, etc. We as women need to set examples for others to follow. “Strive to be the best at what you do and what you offer to society, but most importantly – know who are and never give up!”

Do you have a family? If so how do you balance your work/life demands?

I balance my family and career quite well – thanks to the Internet! Late nights are mandatory for my company to create orders; work with suppliers and sending out deliveries for morning shipments…burning the midnight oil while everyone is asleep!

What advice would you give any woman looking to start her own business?

Stick to your goals, set them high and never give up!

What do you do outside of work to unwind?

I love anything to do with beaches, water and boats. I can always be found spending time with my family and dogs, under our sunshades while absorbing stolen moments together.

What is your star sign?

I am a “loyal” Taurus

Do you have a guilty pleasure?

Drinking Sangria’s or fine Champagne

What does the future hold for you personally?

Inventing a product is an unbelievable feeling inside. It’s my personal gratification.

If you would like to know a little more about ShadyFace then visit Patricia’s website at https://shadypaws.com

George R Vaughan