With a presence in 21 U.S. markets, Miss A is the first and leading online volunteer community covering the intersection of charity and life. Miss A believes in the positive power of volunteering and charity — not only to benefit those less fortunate, but to improve the individual, business or brand that gives their time, talent and treasure to a cause.

A Miss A Columnist shared about entrepreneurship of our very own ShadyFace creator, Patricia Darquea.

“What’s more is that Patricia is all about charity and helping animals too! She has used ShadyFace’s success to crate another product called Shady PAWS, which is designed for dogs, cats and other pets to use to stay cool on hot summer days, as it’s important to not over-expose any animal to that much heat/sun.

Furthermore, Patricia has been working with Ronald McDonald House Charities and various celebs in Hollywood to give back through her products to give comfort and care to children and their families.

She is also a proud sponsor and supporter of the Synchronized Swimming Athletes with Disabilities Organization, which her company gives back a portion of sales to help support.”

Read the full article, “Charity Meets: Patricia Darquea” on Miss A. – CLICK HERE


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